Tuesday, March 1, 2011

In the Beginning [Genesis 1:1-2:25]

Book: Genesis
Author: Moses
Audience: The people of Israel
Date: Between 1446 B.C and 1406 B.C.
Where: The Middle East

[Day One]

Wouldn't it be interesting if we could just speak things into existence? Just reach out our hands and say, "Let there be a candy bar" and there be a candy bar. While we are just human and cannot do this our creator can, has and will continue to do so.

Genesis 1:1-4
[1] In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. [2] Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

[3]And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. [4] God saw that the light was good and he separated the light from the darkness.

I could have probably copied the whole first chapter of Genesis being that I find this concept so interesting. That God created the Heavens and the Earth in just seven days. That he could speak something into existence. For Humans with "logical" thinking I believe this tends to be a hard concept to grasp; However, if you are truly a strong Christian how can you believe that Jesus rose from the dead but not that God has spoke the heavens, the earth and mankind into existence in just seven days?

Genesis 1:27 
So God created man in his own image, the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

We should be truly honored. God has made us the most important above all the creatures he created. He gave us a body and a soul:

Genesis 2:7
the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (soul), and the man became a living being. (body) 

Interestingly enough it is said that we are created from the dust on the ground. We all know that dust contains various chemicals, all of which can be found in the human body. While the body in itself is a miracle, working in perfect harmony and woven together to be "perfect", I don't think that God created us to look like him, but he created us to be like him. That our soul be that of his spirit. It only makes sense that as Christians we are called to be Jesus like so as tacky as it sounds our every day decisions as Christians should be made on that what-would-Jesus-do type mindset. 

Genesis 23-25 
[23] The man said,
"This is now bones of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall now be called 'woman,
for she was taken out of man"

[24]For this reason a man will leave his Father and Mother and be united to his wife and they will become one flesh.
[25]The man and his wife were both naked and they felt no shame. 

... And here is where it all begins. God does not waste any time putting mankind in their place. This passage tells us as woman that we were created second and should submit to our Husbands, as men were created first in the image of the Lord and men should submit to the Lord. Then he moves on explaining the purpose of marriage. I truly believe this passage can often times get confused. Often times I hear this passage being used in reference of sexual intercourse; However, I do NOT think that is what the Lord is saying here. We should refrain from intercourse according to the bible until marriage, but in this particular passage I believe God is telling us that once we marry we no longer have a primary responsibility to our parents, but to our spouse. Marriage is basically changing our priorities so to speak. Perhaps this is the main reason many of us wind up in couples therapy, being that we have this very concept misconstrued. Imagine if we all obeyed God's Marriage Law before and after getting married? Wouldn't that make things so much easier? It's funny how sometimes we as humans think we are taking the easy way out when we are really making things much harder on ourselves.

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