Now the bible is truly getting interesting. God begins to see the wicked ways of the people and knocks their life span down to 120 years! Then he moves on to the Nephilites. [EDIT] Apon my research the word Nephilim is derived from the Hebrew word "Nephal" meaning 'Giants'. The 'Sons of God' were men who were of the bloodline of Seth and were once believers. When they began taking wives in of Cain's bloodline they became corrupt because the woman were none believers. [EDIT]
Any way, moving onto the more exciting part of the bible.
Genesis 6:5-6
[5]The Lord saw how great man's wickedness on earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil at the time. [6] The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth , and his heart was filled with pain.
This is when God decided it was time to wipe Man off the face of the planet. He was completely heart broken that he had even created them. I'd imagine his thoughts were like that of a parent's, 'I created you and this is how you act?'. Even though God did plan to wipe man off the face of the planet he favored one man in particular, Noah. Noah truly walked with God so God came to Noah and told him his plan. He then told him to build an ark. In Genesis 6:15 God gives very specific orders on how to build said ark and Noah obeys. God then creates a covenant with Noah that after the ark is built he may bring his wife, three sons and two of every animal, male and female, onto the ark with him. Noah does exactly what he is told.
Genesis 7:1-4
[1] The Lord said to Noah, "Go into the ark, you and your family, because I have found you righteous in this generation. [2] Take with you seven of every kind of clean animal, male and it's mate, [3] and also seven of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive through out the world. [4] Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made."
Did anyone else notice the numbers? I did a little personal research to find out that seven in Hebrew was Shevah meaning to be full or satisfied or to have enough of. Remember in the beginning when God rested on the seventh day? And as we read further we'll see more of the number seven. The number forty also seems to pop up a lot in the bible. Not only here but later with the children of Israel and even during the time of fasting. The pattern seems to be a period of testing on the Lords end of it.
Then we move on. Noah listened. According to the bible at this point he was 600 years old when he entered the ark.
Genesis 7:10
And after seven days the floodwaters came on Earth.
Now the funny thing is for those who take the bible literally, like me, you would believe that Dinosaurs were on this ark with Noah and his family as well. The floodwaters would kill all the animals that did not make it on the ark and cause for a quick burial, preserving the animals as what we now know as fossils. Perhaps scientists don't need to do all that carbon dating and crazy research but rather take a look in Genesis for their answers.
Let's continue. According to the bible the waters flooded for 150 days, but God remembered Noah and sent a great wind to recede the waters. Noah then sent out a Raven who flew back and forth until the waters dried up. He then sent out a dove and they did not leave the ark until the dove did not come back and Noah knew the waters had fully receded from the Earth. By then Noah was 601 years old!
Noah had then built an alter for the lord and sacrificed burnt offerings to him.
Genesis 8:21
The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart, "Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures as I have done."
Genesis 9:15
"I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters flood become a flood to destroy all life"
Then we move onto the sons of Noah. This part starts to confuse me as well and perhaps you ladies can help. According to Genesis 9:18-29 Noah makes a vineyard and drinks the wine from it and becomes drunk. He lays naked in his tent and his two sons, Shem and Japheth covered him with a garment. Then it continues to say that Moses wakes up and says, "Cursed be Canaan". I don't understand this. Was this because Ham did not turn away to his father's nakedness?
Any way, moving onto the more exciting part of the bible.
Genesis 6:5-6
[5]The Lord saw how great man's wickedness on earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil at the time. [6] The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth , and his heart was filled with pain.
This is when God decided it was time to wipe Man off the face of the planet. He was completely heart broken that he had even created them. I'd imagine his thoughts were like that of a parent's, 'I created you and this is how you act?'. Even though God did plan to wipe man off the face of the planet he favored one man in particular, Noah. Noah truly walked with God so God came to Noah and told him his plan. He then told him to build an ark. In Genesis 6:15 God gives very specific orders on how to build said ark and Noah obeys. God then creates a covenant with Noah that after the ark is built he may bring his wife, three sons and two of every animal, male and female, onto the ark with him. Noah does exactly what he is told.
Genesis 7:1-4
[1] The Lord said to Noah, "Go into the ark, you and your family, because I have found you righteous in this generation. [2] Take with you seven of every kind of clean animal, male and it's mate, [3] and also seven of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive through out the world. [4] Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made."
Did anyone else notice the numbers? I did a little personal research to find out that seven in Hebrew was Shevah meaning to be full or satisfied or to have enough of. Remember in the beginning when God rested on the seventh day? And as we read further we'll see more of the number seven. The number forty also seems to pop up a lot in the bible. Not only here but later with the children of Israel and even during the time of fasting. The pattern seems to be a period of testing on the Lords end of it.
Then we move on. Noah listened. According to the bible at this point he was 600 years old when he entered the ark.
Genesis 7:10
And after seven days the floodwaters came on Earth.
Now the funny thing is for those who take the bible literally, like me, you would believe that Dinosaurs were on this ark with Noah and his family as well. The floodwaters would kill all the animals that did not make it on the ark and cause for a quick burial, preserving the animals as what we now know as fossils. Perhaps scientists don't need to do all that carbon dating and crazy research but rather take a look in Genesis for their answers.
Let's continue. According to the bible the waters flooded for 150 days, but God remembered Noah and sent a great wind to recede the waters. Noah then sent out a Raven who flew back and forth until the waters dried up. He then sent out a dove and they did not leave the ark until the dove did not come back and Noah knew the waters had fully receded from the Earth. By then Noah was 601 years old!
Noah had then built an alter for the lord and sacrificed burnt offerings to him.
Genesis 8:21
The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart, "Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures as I have done."
Genesis 9:15
"I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters flood become a flood to destroy all life"
Then we move onto the sons of Noah. This part starts to confuse me as well and perhaps you ladies can help. According to Genesis 9:18-29 Noah makes a vineyard and drinks the wine from it and becomes drunk. He lays naked in his tent and his two sons, Shem and Japheth covered him with a garment. Then it continues to say that Moses wakes up and says, "Cursed be Canaan". I don't understand this. Was this because Ham did not turn away to his father's nakedness?
still confused, but looking forward to other ladies responses in hopes for some clarification! :)
ReplyDeletepearly_pearly22, what part are you confused about?
ReplyDeleteYes, I have also read that the 'sons of God' were fallen angels, who married the daughters of men, which produced giants. Job 1:6 and Job 2:1 also refers to the 'sons of God', who were angels who appeared before the Lord along with Satan.
Probably Canaan and his descendants were to be punished because they were going to be even worse than Ham, his father (who instead of covering and keeping his fathers nakedness to himself out of respect, gossiped to his brothers about it). The Canaanites were a very sinful people, so I guess the sins of the father and the curse was passed down.
ReplyDeleteAh. That's what I thought! Thanks for clearing that up. I appreciate it!
ReplyDeleteSo wait, "sons of God"=angels? How did angels have sex with women and reproduce? Total Bible newbie here so I have a TON of questions :)
ReplyDeleteAnother question, God wipes out the world because everyone was messing up, but I feel like our world today is far more evil than the people of the world in Noah's time. So why has God not done anything to us? And doesn't wiping out the world with a flood count as an evil thing to do? I've always felt like God in the OT and God in the NT are so incredibly different. Seriously struggling with understanding all this :/
ReplyDeleteBUT I'm really excited about doing this Bible challenge!
Brianna, Jessi, and Pearly,
ReplyDeleteProbably the best way to gain a thorough understanding of the Old Testament is to read the original Hebrew texts and the additional books that were not included in the King James Version of the bible.
To understand the verses quoted above, The Book of Jubilees and The Book of Enoch would be your best resources. One of the reasons the majority of these texts were left out of the canonized bible was to keep it compact for travel. During the first to third century when Christianity was being formed, it was taught mostly by missionaries who would spend their entire lives traveling town to town, so it was important that they be able to travel light.
ReplyDeleteJust to let you know, these stories were mostly adaptations of pre-exiting stories taken from Sumarian, Babalonian, and Egyptian stories of the time. The Hebrew culture was integrated with each of these societies at some point in their history and adaptations of the religious beliefs of those societies are the basis for these stories.
Don't worry. God isn't anything like what these ancient cultures painted him out to be. These are just stories that helped them understand their culture and establish a moral framework that was fitting for the time they lived in.
The best way to test this is to ask yourself 'What Would Jesus Do' in these situations where Elohim/Yahweh is causing such pain and destruction. If your answer does not match what you are reading, then you know it’s not a true account of Gods interaction with his creations.
Thanks for you blog and comments and I wish you peace.
ReplyDeleteJust to let you know, these stories were mostly adaptations of pre-exiting stories taken from Sumarian, Babalonian, and Egyptian stories of the time. The Hebrew culture was integrated with each of these societies at some point in their history and adaptations of the religious beliefs of those societies are the basis for these stories.
Don't worry. God isn't anything like what these ancient cultures painted him out to be. These are just stories that helped them understand their culture and establish a moral framework that was fitting for the time they lived in.
The best way to test this is to ask yourself 'What Would Jesus Do' in these situations where Elohim/Yahweh is causing such pain and destruction. If your answer does not match what you are reading, then you know it’s not a true account of Gods interaction with his creations.
Thanks for you blog and comments and I wish you peace.
ReplyDeleteI actually did a lot of research on this after I posted this and found out that the word Nephilim is derived from the word Nephal which means 'giants'. If I remember correctly when Moses was leading his people to the promised land and they got there the people turned away because they saw giants and got scarred so this very well could be true.
I also researched the 'Sons of God'. What I found out was that angelic beings were asexual according to the bible so they could not have sex with woman and bare children. Instead these are people from the bloodline of Seth who once followed the Lord. However; they began to take in wives from the bloodline of Cain and became corrupt because their wives were non believers.
Lastly, the reason God will not send a flood over us is because of the covenant he made with Noah:
Genesis 8:21
The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart, "Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures as I have done."
Genesis 9:15
"I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters flood become a flood to destroy all life"
Brianna, that's interesting! I wonder what caused them to become 'giants' in the first place? A whole race of giants, where did they come from? All things to ponder.
ReplyDeleteAngel what I found even more interesting was later in the bible they describe the giants being 450 feet tall!! Crazy huh?!
ReplyDeleteI was 'taught' that the 'sons of god' were angels, who went against God and reproduced anyway, which is why God wanted all of their descendants destroyed (why Israel was called to war and destroy so many of these people, and not let even one live). But, this is a theory.
ReplyDeleteWhile researching I definitely found a lot of controversy on the topic. Through the bible though I found:
ReplyDeleteLuke 20:34-36
34 Jesus replied, “The people of this age marry and are given in marriage. 35 But those who are considered worthy of taking part in the age to come and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage, 36 and they can no longer die; for they are like the angels. They are God’s children, since they are children of the resurrection.
Matthew 22:29-30
29 Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. 30 At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.
This would mean they were asexual beings. I'm assuming since demons are fallen angels, this applies to them as well.
So nobody knows how these giants became THAT giant?
ReplyDeleteI have heard some people say they were Aliens..I am new to the Bible and don't know how credible they were but that is something I have heard. Any thoughts on that?
By the way I am pearly..I was using my aim account but finally made a blogger account today.
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ReplyDeleteI personally don't believe in Aliens. I think the idea of aliens is a distraction from Satan, but I did think this was interesting:
not a Christian site but interesting!
I don't want to believe in aliens, and don't really but it is a thought that crosses my mind from time to time.
ReplyDeleteThat link you posted is very interesting! But can you site where it says in the bible they are 450 ft tall? Because the 'giants' found here on earth were in that article were 12-18 ft tall. (still huge, just saying lol)
Yeah I'll find it. It was in Enoch I believe.
ReplyDeleteEnoch 7:12 Whose stature was each three hundred cubits. These devoured all which the labor of men produced; until it became impossible to feed them;